Berus Eder! – Åpne byvandringerThe history of intoxication – open walks

To onsdager i september blir det mulig å få med seg den fortellende historiske vandringen ‘Berus Eder!’ i Oslos gater. Vandringen tar for seg Oslos og Norges rushistorie fra bydannelsen til moderne tid, spekket med anekdoter, underlige sammenhenger og drikkeviser.

Vandringene finner sted den 18. og 25. september fra kl. 19.00 – 20.30. Oppmøte utenfor Oslo Domkirke. Billettpris: 150,-. Kun kontant.

Berus Eder!

Two Wednesdays in September you can experience the historical city walk ‘Berus Eder!’ in the streets of Oslo. The walk, filled to the brim with anecdotes, strange connections and drinking songs, take you through the history of intoxication of both Oslo and Norway from the foundation of the city until the modern day.

The walks take place on the 18th and the 25th of September from 7pm – 8.30pm. The walk starts outside Oslo Dome Church. Tickets: 150 NOK a piece. Cash only.

Berus Eder!



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