Livet bør være et eventyrLife should (in fact) be a fairy tale

Klar Tale, Norges eneste lettleste avis, stilte meg nylig noen spørsmål knyttet til sin faste Kulturspalte Mitt Ord.
Dette var bl.a. i sammenheng med forestillingen Eventyr fra Skogens Munn under Eventyrfestivalen i Heidal.

Trykk her for å se resultatet.Klar Tale (Clear Speech), the only easy-to-read newspaper in Norway, recently asked me a few questions connected to their regular cultural enquete Mitt Ord (My Word).
They contacted me because of my performance From the Mouths of Trees during The Norwegian Fairy Tale Festival in Heidal.

Click here to see the result.

If you are a non-Norwegian speaker, please feel free to peruse the following translation at your own leisure:

My Word

Life should (in fact) be a fairy tale

– What are your favourite words?
Fantastic and eventyr (in Norwegian, eventyr means both adventure and fairy tale).

– Why do you like these words so much?
– Because they describe what life should be.

What word don’t you like? And why not?
Boring. Because there are too many wonders in life to ever use that word.

What is a typical fairy tale-word?
Over de syv blåner. It is an old (Norwegian) expression meaning Over the seven mountain ranges. It’s a symbol of an almost neverending journey to a place of sheer beauty. This place is the goal for the hero of the fairy tale. Maybe also for us?

What words would you use to describe yourself?
Enthusiastic. Brave. Scared.

What words do other people use to describe you?


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