Den Kulturelle Skolesekken i Rogaland har tatt barneforestillingen I Vesterled inn i programmet for skoleåret 2012/2013. Den fire uker lange turnéen vil gå fra 22. oktober til 2. november og fra 3. desember til 17. desember.
Den Kulturelle Skolesekken (Norwegian support system for art tours in schools. Literal translation: The Cultural Rucksack) in the county of Rogaland has included the children’s performance I Vesterled in their proram for the school year of 2012/2013. The tour, lasting four weeks will run from the 22nd of October to the 2nd of November and from the 3rd of December to the 17th of December.
I Vesterled (2011)
I Vesterled (2011)
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