Torgrim, interational sceneforteller

Kløverknekten alias Torgrim Mellum Stene er en internasjonal sceneforteller. Torgrim er en moderne skald, en ordsmed som jobber både med mytisk, personlig og historisk materiale i sine helaftens forestillinger.

Torgrim har vært med på spontan storyjam med impromusikere i Sør-Afrika, flerspråklig performance i Tadsjikistan og bergtatt publikummere over hele verden med sine filmatiske fortellinger.

På denne siden kan du lese om forestillingene han har laget, andre tilbud (bl.a. workshops og tekstarbeid) og ellers gå deg vill i en stadig voksende skog av underlige og interessante historier og betraktninger.


Sagt om Torgrim:

Utan effektar av noko slag, med berre meisterleg innleving, stemmeprakt og forteljarkunst utan sidestykke(…)» – Grannar

Bjergtog sine tilhørere – Dagbladet Roskilde

På Slottsfjellsfestivalen så jeg en forestilling som har hektet seg fast i meg i ukevis. Den til da – for meg – ukjente fortellerkunstneren Torgrim Mellum Stene. Han poserte, parodierte, kåserte… og jeg vet ikke hva. Alt skjedde i et rivende tempo, meningsladd som fy, selv om jeg mistenker ham for å ha funnet på de livaktige fortellingene der og da, rett for nesen på oss… – Magasinet KULT (Geir Aarum)

Han er en av mine absolutte favorittfortellere. Han kjører en egen stil og forteller fantastisk morsomt. I tillegg er han utrolig god på å improvisere. – Forteller Per Helge Sørensen (DK) i Aftenposten-intervju

Torgrim er en unik og yderst generøs fortæller. Han ejer en særlig tilgang til det sted, hvor kilden til alle vigtige fortællinger udspringer. Og han mangler ikke mod eller improvisationsevne på den helterejse det er at fortælle de historier som udfordrer, brænder og lyser. Der bor en stor stemme i den mand – på alle niveauer. Bare lyt.» – Katrine Faber, historiefortæller, skuespiller og sanger (DK)

Torgrim is improvising with the stories, with his thoughts, his feelings and his dreams. He has a very personal way of telling. As a result the audience enjoys his storytelling performances with the strong images and the deep emotional atmosphere.

Also Torgrim manages not to lose his humour even in the dark parts of the story and to follow the story with nice and suitable movements in order to transfer the story ever more and to communicate with the audience. – Sylvia Venizelea, Mythos (Centre for the Dissemination of Myths and Folktales) (GR)

løverknekten (The Jack of Clubs) alias Torgrim Mellum Stene is an international performance storyteller. Torgrim is a modern bard, a wordsmith working both with mythical, personal and historical material in his performances.

Torgrim has been story jamming with improv musicians in South Africa, done multilingual performances in Tajikistan and spellbound audiences across the globe with his filmatic and vivid stories.

Here, on these pages, you can read about the performances he’s made, other offers (workshops etc.) or become pleasantly lost in a constantly growing wilderness of interesting stories and hidden details.

Others about Torgrim:

Without any special effects, only by the force of his voice and his masterful presence, Torgrim Mellum Stene delivers a piece of unparallelled storytelling in a magical and almost fairy tale-like frame – Grannar

Spellbound audience – Dagbladet Roskilde

At the Slottsfjell Festival I saw a performance that has stuck with me for weeks. The unknown – for me – performance storyteller Torgrim Mellum Stene. He posed, he strutted, he spun stories, did parodies… and I don’t know what. All of it happened in a riveting tempo, loaded with buckets of meaning, even though I almost suspect that he made all of those bubbling stories up right then and there, right before our noses… – The Literary Magazine KULT (Geir Aarum)

He is one of my definitive favourite storytellers. He has his own style and he has a fantastically funny way of telling. He’s also an incredible improviser. – Storyteller Per Helge Sørensen (DK) in an interview with Aftenposten

Torgrim is a unique and most generous storyteller. He has a certain access to that place where the source of all important stories are. And he doesn’t lack neither courage nor improvisational skill on the hero’s journey it is to tell the tales that truly challenge, burn and give light. There’s a resounding voice in that man – on all levels. Just listen. – Katrine Faber, historiefortæller, skuespiller og sanger (DK)

Torgrim is improvising with the stories, with his thoughts, his feelings and his dreams. He has a very personal way of telling. As a result the audience enjoys his storytelling performances with the strong images and the deep emotional atmosphere.

Also Torgrim manages not to lose his humour even in the dark parts of the story and to follow the story with nice and suitable movements in order to transfer the story ever more and to communicate with the audience. – Sylvia Venizelea, Mythos (Centre for the Dissemination of Myths and Folktales) (GR)
